FP & EOI Together, oberta a Batxillerat i 4t d’ESO

On Wednesday March 13th, two groups of our FP, 4th ESO and Batxillerat students visited the EOI (Escola Oficial d’Idiomes) in l’Hospitalet. One group went there in the morning, The other went there in the afternoon. They were hosted by other A2 and B1 students learning there. They could speak English with other students with a similar level and share their experiences in the learning process. They also discussed their vocational studies and their future when they eventually finish their sojourn at the Pedraforca.

The afrernoon group was formes by our students who are preparing their B1 or B2 exams in English.

This experience is an iniciative from the Departament d’Educació of the Generalitat de Catalunya, which INS Pedraforca has joined.

Thanks EOI for receiving your guests from INS Pedraforca