27 març Welcome to the magic world: I’m a student, a magic student!
A great magician named Jack visited a school named “Pedraforca” It was fun, first he did a ball trick. It was fantastic and unbelievable Because he gave a student a red ball but when the student opened his hands there were 9 balls!!! We were so shocked and we didn’t know how he did that 1 Ball turned into 9 balls, amazing huh? But that’s not all. There were four magic tricks left!!!
Ready to count your money because the 2 nd magic is about money!!! First, Jack pulled out a one-dollar bill, then he folded it and when he unfolds it it was a complete 100-dollar bill!!! Then he did it again and now what… And it turns back into 1-dollar bill!!! It was an awesome magic. Ready for the 3 rd ?The 3 rd magic trick is about bamboo, a Japanese magic. 1 st Jack pulls 2 bamboos with 1 string then he pulled the left side of the string the right side goes up It seems normal but… the string is not connected. You say that’s impossible but It’s not! He was doing it so easy! 4 th and the last magic about rings yay!!! Jack pulled 6 rings. It’s the normal ring trick when you combine two metal rings. 1 st Jack gives one of the students two rings then when he says shake and the two rings fused together for no reason!!! We really don’t know how that happened, well its magic!!! Did you like it?Well I do! Jack is a comedian and a magician at the same time! Well that’s all, thank you for visiting the show do you want more? I do! Because it so interesting and so magical!
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