Pedraforca volleyball team is playing Mercè Rodoreda at L'Hospitalet Nord at 11:15 am on June 4th. Looking forward to meeting you there!!! Jocs Esportius Escolars final is at stake!Let's hope our lucky GEP T-shirt will still work wonders!Don't miss out on all the fun!!We'll keep you...

Twenty-three Pedraforca students are joining EOI students for English joyful lessons this week. They will return on Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th.  We can do this because we take part in the FP & EOI Together programme. Let's learn English & have fun!Mind the GEP, please!...

El passat divendres dia 25 de febrer es va publicar la Resolució per la qual s'inclou l'Institut Pedraforca entre els centres educatius, dependents del Departament d’Educació, que han estat admesos per tal de desenvolupar accions pilot d’impuls de les llengües estrangeres en la formació professional, per...

Institut  Pedraforca "Infantil" Football Team beat Sant Jaume de la FEP 8-0 (eight-nil) in a match held on Saturday. Many loud Pedraforca supporters led our team to this overwhelming victory!! Our team wore the official Pedraforca GEP uniform. It brought our team luck again. Let's hope good results are the rule this 2022!!  You will find images...

Institut  Pedraforca beat Can Vilumara 3-0 in a match held on Saturday. This team was not easy to beat, but Institut Pedraforca managed to prevail. Many loud Pedraforca supporters led our team to victory!! Our team wore the official Pedraforca GEP uniform for the second time. It brought our team luck again. Let's hope good results are the...

Institut Pedraforca beat Voleibol l'Hospitalet 3-1 in a match held on Saturday. This team was difficult to beat, but Institut Pedraforca managed to prevail. Many loud Pedraforca supporters led our team to victory!! Our team wore the official Pedraforca GEP uniform for the first time. It brought...

L'Institut Pedraforca participa, com cada any, en l'Acting Together, que organitza l'Ajuntament de l'Hospitalet. Per mor de la pandèmia, i per segon any, l'edició té un format telemàtic. A partir d'avui, podreu veure a la pàgina web del centre i a les nostres xarxes socials la...